For many, Hope is the ‘light at the end of a tunnel’ and there is no better feeling then to provide the love, compassion and kindness that our fellow human beings rightly deserve – irrespective of their background, gender, colour, faith or indeed, people of no faith. Let us be the candle that kindles hope in many and gives them the light to take them through the journey of life. We wish to share the message of Hope, help others with overcoming and addressing everyday challenges and showing that good Samaritans exist.. in every community and in every neighbourhood. Help us to reach more people with the message of Hope, the message of Islam, by making a generous donation via:
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Donate By Bank Transfer
If you have online or mobile banking, you also have the option of donating directly to our Bank Account. This can either be a one off payment or a regular payment. Our details are:
Account Name: UKIM Dawah Centre
Sort Code: 20-08-98
Account No: 20 88 57 38
Please add a reference to the payment of ‘GainHope Gift Pack“.
Thank you. Your contribution will help to share and give Hope to our fellow citizens. Please consider making a regular donation so that Hope can continue to reach many more people.